結婚を 記念する日に ありがとう
ありがとう こんな私と 連れ添って
もう一度 やり直せても この人生
悲劇とは あなたと会えず 寄り添えず
今あるは ただ主の恵み あわれみだ!
カテゴリー: 主の祈り The Lord’s Prayer
Winter into Spring
After 3.11 with 主がそばにいるから
The 5W1H of World Mission
The 5W1H of World Mission
What is the World Mission?
To build the Church beyond nation, culture, nationality and language. It is the best work of the Church.
Who is called to World Mission?
Everyone who is called to belong the Church.
When is the time for World Mission?
The time is Now!
Where is the place of World Mission?
It is the place where you are living now.
Why World Mission is the best work of the Church?
Because World Mission is the work to give and to share what we were given.
How World Mission will accomplish?
By the Holy Spirit and the Passion of God.
Not Harley Davidson, but Jazz(Like a Little Donkey)!
神は死んだのか(GOD’ NOT DEAD)
天国はほんとうにある(HEAVEN IS FOR REAL)。