Why don't you trust in Jesus?

You know, Jesus loves you first
long before you love Him.
Because He is the true love.
You know, Jesus knows everything
and especially what is best for you.
Because He is the designer of You.
You know, Jesus knows all your pains.
Because He became flesh
and made his dwelling among us.
You know, Jesus died on the cross
especially for you
long before your repentance.
Because He loves you so much.
You know, Jesus gave you everything
long before you give Him something.
You know, Jesus is living
because He has been raised from the dead!
Why don’t you trust in Jesus?
Why don’t you respond to Him?
Now the time to trust.
And now the time to love Him.
Why don’t you trust in Jesus?
Why don’t you respond to Him?
Now the time to trust.
And now the time to worship Him.
by Shinri Nomachi

Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee

Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee。
みかみのあいをば うとうわれらの
むねはひらきたる はなのごとくに
みかおのひかりに まよいのきりも
うたがいのくもも きえてあとなし
みつかいせいとら うたえみいつを
つきほしたいよう たたえよかみを
ゆきふるたかねも はなさくたにも
はやしものはらも さばくもうみも
みかみはつみある  ものをもあいし
みこなるイエスをば つかわしませり
ゆるしのみめぐみ  きよむるちから
ふでにもこえにも  のべつくしえず
みかみはわれらの  ちちおやなれば
みこなるイエスをば あにうえとよばん
よびとよしたしみ  たがいにたすけ
みむねのなる日を  しのびまてかし